Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fairways RV Resort, NBVC Port Hueneme, Ca

First time glamping with the newmobile.  Port Hueneme Navy Base.  It's not on Yelp yet, not sure why.  We did pretty well considering we were "new."  Only one lil detail...something about backing up and hubby having to set up twice.  Nothing to break up the marriage over or anything.

Quiet place next to the Golf Course on Base.  He golfs, you shop...(department store items at bargain prices).  It's stuff we need for the RV anyway, plus some new drapes for home.

There were some ants that were mentioned at check in.  I didn't really feel we would be affected because we are very careful with crumbs etc...and...we were eating outside!  Well...after day 3, they were everywhere.  So, trust me on this one...just buy some little ant motels and toss them around your pads interior.  Carpenter ants...harmless but again...everywhere.

It's a little chilly and  windy, surprisingly.  Guess closer to the ocean than I imagined...and we live nearby. 

Nice laundry and paved paths place to do some biking circles.  I did at least 2 (when I saw the real bicyclist do a bunch)...I was inspired!  Hah!

Picnic table and small sweet lawn

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